Local Federation office-bearers visits to Self-help groups in Kanajar, Karkala Taluka
President of Matamaria Mahasangha (Local Federation) Ms Margaret Lobo together with the Spiritual Director Fr Harold Pereira, animator and other office bearers visited the Self help Groups coming under the local Federation. It was a courteous visit with a brief evaluation. The group visited Deepa SHG, RozarMathe SHG, Divya Jyothi SHG, Ashirwaad SHG, Lourdes Mate SHG, Navachetana SHG, Nanda Deepa SHG, Kanajar SHG, Ave Maria SHG, Nithyadar SHG, Nithyamathe SHG, Christa Jyothi SHG and Fatima SHG