Message from the Parish Priest
Dear Parishioners,
Greetings from Fr. Harold Pereira. We know that Life offers us constantly two things: chance and choice. So on 5th June 2023, Udupi Diocesan Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo offered me a chance to make a choice that was to choose between Kanajar parish and to continue as the director of the Anugraha Pastoral Centre of Udupi Diocese. I had to choose Kanajar parish because of the need of the diocese. It was a bit hard to decide yet trusting in Jesus who has called me to be his priest, l obliged to Bishop’s request. It’s being three months now I am getting to know the parishioners and the place. Kanajar is a fertile land for Evangelization. People are talented and have good will towards use of their talents for the good of the parish community. Pastoral Commissions are functioning well and ICSE school in Kanajar is making progress and has become hall mark in the history of Kanajar parish, it has secured 100% results in the year 2022-23. I am happy to serve this parish at present as a Parochial Administrator. BECs ward gatherings and service activities are regular and parishioners are active. Our lady of Lourdes has blessed this community and it has a history of 84 years. There is a telephone directory-2023 that will help the parishioners to keep contact with one another and LOURDSCHI ZOR a parish bulletin that gives ample opportunities to the emerging writers to communicate their valuable thoughts . I am happy to be the part of this parish community. I do remember the benefactors and donors of Kanajar Parish.
Under the patronage of Our Lady of Lourdes may this parish grow and may God bless all of us.
Fr. Harold Pereira,
The Parish Priest